So here are a few more pictures of the market and shopping and a few of cooking and home life. This is marja by the way--I"m the one who has been blogging and posting (under Rafael's name since I havent been able to figure out how to change it...but Rafael fixed it so it now reads me...thanks Rafael!)
The girls cooked Chile Quiles with Marusa yesterday (like a salsa verde over tortilla chips served with onions, queso fresco, and sour cream...) but they made everything. You should fully expect them to cook this for you! Following our comida, everyone headed back to their houses to do different things. The girls at my house invited another house over for a swim, despite the clouds rolling in, and eventually despite the darkness!
Finally we suffered our first round of girls not feeling well. Ms Natalie and Ms Zoe were ill (gastro-intestinal) but seem much better this morning, and seem game to go on our trip today (although we have offered to stay if are not. I have wicked head cold. My take however, is that even headcolds are better in 80 degrees....we will continue to take care of everyone and keep you all posted. So far our girls are bouncing back and following directions--drinking lots and getting plenty of sleep. We will let you know if we feel anything gets serious of course.
Today we head off to see the pyramids at Xochicalco and then off to Taxco (silver town) for more shopping (can you stand it?). It will be a long day since we will be on the bus for about two hours in both directions. We have some movies for the girls--Shrek in Spanish and Lady and the Tramp in Spanish! We will come home this evening by around 8 and return to our families hopefully tired and happy.
More tomorrow--keep reading--take care, m
PS...Did I mention we ate salted crickets the day before? Oh, nevermind...
look guys! we're walking on water!